CrossFit Miami Beach – MB Core-antine
Metcon (No Measure)
15s- Side Plank Knee to Elbow(elevated)-L 15s- Side Plank Knee to Elbow(elevated)-R 30s- Plank Dips
30s- Leg Raises w/ DB Hold(hollow)
30s- Hollow Body Crunches
-1min Rest
15s- Side Plank Knee to Elbow(elevated)-L 15s- Side Plank Knee to Elbow(elevated)-R 30s- Plank Dips
30s- Leg Raises w/ DB Hold(hollow)
30s- Hollow Body Crunches
-1min Rest
4 Rounds for Time:
400m Run
30 Air Squat
20 Push-up
10 Burpee
Rx: 20/14lb Vest
1. Bench/floor press 3×8 @65-70%
2. Handstand work 3 sets of 3-5 strict hspu right into handstand hold as long as possible.
3. DB rows 4×10/10 @50/35lbs
Ascending Ladders (6′ on / 2′ off)
Ladder A: 2-4-6-8…
*** 20 Double-under / Lateral Jump between sets ***
Ladder B: 2-4-6-8
DB Snatch
*** 20 Double-under / Lateral Jump between sets ***
Rx: 95/65 Barbell
3Rds-30s:15s Rest
With MB, Weighted Bag, or Pillow
1. Lying leg raise to candlestick
2. Windshield Wipers
3. Hollow Body Lifts
4. V-Up, pass weight
5. Russian Twists
3Rds-30s:15s Rest
With MB, Weighted Bag, or Pillow
1. Lying leg raise to candlestick
2. Windshield Wipers
3. Hollow Body Lifts
4. V-Up, pass weight
5. Russian Twists
3Rds-30s:15s Rest
With MB, Weighted Bag, or Pillow
1. Lying leg raise to candlestick
2. Windshield Wipers
3. Hollow Body Lifts
4. V-Up, pass weight
5. Russian Twists
Legs Gone Bad
3 Rounds (1′ ea movement)
Quarter Squat Jump
Forward Lunge
Air Squat
Reverse Lunge
*** 1` rest between rounds ***
Rx: 20/14lb Vest
7 Burpee
11 Push-Up
21 A. KBS (24/16kg)
*** Buy-in: 65 Sit-up ***
1. Tempo back squat 6×2 @75-80% 3-1-3-1 (down-bottom-up-top)
2. Squat clean 10’ every 30″ 1 rep @70-75%
3. Strict pull ups 4×8 with 45″-75″ rest in between sets.
17′ Ladder
Double under
Bent-over Row
17′ Ladder
Double under
50 Reps for Time: Shooting Burpee
1/1 Pistol
1 Burpee
Courtesy of @carrichey
Rx: 20/14lb Vest
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