MB Core-antine 3

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CrossFit Miami Beach – MB Core-antine

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Metcon (No Measure)

3Rds-30s:15s Rest

With MB, Weighted Bag, or Pillow

1. Lying leg raise to candlestick

2. Windshield Wipers

3. Hollow Body Lifts

4. V-Up, pass weight

5. Russian Twists

Metcon (No Measure)

3Rds-30s:15s Rest

With MB, Weighted Bag, or Pillow

1. Lying leg raise to candlestick

2. Windshield Wipers

3. Hollow Body Lifts

4. V-Up, pass weight

5. Russian Twists

Metcon (No Measure)

3Rds-30s:15s Rest

With MB, Weighted Bag, or Pillow

1. Lying leg raise to candlestick

2. Windshield Wipers

3. Hollow Body Lifts

4. V-Up, pass weight

5. Russian Twists

Steven RendonMB Core-antine 3
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