Beginning 12/1
Saturdays: 9a, 10a, 11a
Sundays: 9a, 10a
CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit
Warm up (Checkmark)
7min to complete
3 rounds
10 scorpions
10 prone int/ext rotation
10 Mt. Climbers
10 Banded OH Squats
Barbell warm up
12 Snatch High Pull
9 Muscle Snatch
7 P. Snatches
5 OH Squats
Overhead Squat (3×10 choose weight by feel)
Beta (Time)
For time 1000m row
15 P. snatches135/95
20 T2B
750m row
10 P. snatches
15 T2B
500m row
5 P. Snatches
10 T2B
***no need to start off fast in this workout. With a descending volume of reps; the wod gets easier the deeper you get in. With that being said you do want to pick up the pace as you get deeper into the smaller rep schemes.
** Conserve your grip on the snatches by going quick singles. Save the tap n go for the later sections.
*T2B break them up sooner rather than later.
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