CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit
021525 (Time)
Teams of 2
4 rounds
400m medball run
30 Burpee Box jump overs 24/20
30 Thrusters 95/65
Teams of 2
4 rounds
400m medball run
30 Burpee Box jump overs 24/20
30 Thrusters 95/65
TMP Suck Fest
SF Regiment Honor Wod
TPT 9000
Ariya Gods Lion
0:00 to 10:00 complete:
3 rounds
20 cal bike
15 DB push press (2X DB)
10 DB floor press (2X DB)
10:00 to 20:00 complete:
2 rounds
30 cal bike
25 DB hang p.cleans
20 h.r. push ups
20:00 to 30:00 complete:
1 round
20 cal bike
25 hang p.cleans
25 floor press
25 push press
25 h.r push ups
20 cal bike
2 Rounds
7 Frontal Raises
7 Lat Raises
7 Up right rows
7 Arnold press
10/10 Bend and ext
5 Bottom Of the burpee
5 Top of The burpee
5 sets of walk facing 7 Holds
*alt L/R leg raises for 10sec each
3 rounds
5min AMRAP: 2min Rest
3 P. Cleans 185/125
6 Box Jump Overs 30/24
3 wall Climbs
10min Amrap
30 Heel Drives
20 sonics
10 Bent knee windshield wipers
5 Dive Bombers
Every 4min for 32min
200m run
16 Alt DB Snatches 50/35
10 Line burpees
-50 cal bike
30 kb g2oh
30 kb lunges
30 box jumps
-40 cal bike
40 kbs
40 kb lunges
40 box jumps
-30 cal bike
50 r.kbs
50 kb lunges
50 box jumps
2 rounds
20 90/90
20 Hollow Rocks
10 Superman’s
10 Baby makers
5 Vert jumps
5 Drop squats
Barbell warm up
5-7 reps each
Clean pulls
Front squats
Clean pull unders
Squat cleans
10-12min to perform
20 Squat cleans for Quality (155/105)
5 sets
:15sec max cal Bike
:45sec max T2B
1min rest
1600m run
Single arm devil press
Wall walks
1600m run
2 rounds (8min)
2min Amrap
10 Mt Climbers
5 Dive Bombers
2min Dubz practice
30 Kip Swings
20 Strict Pull ups
10 Kiping Pull ups
6 sets
2min on:1min off
50 Dubz/100 single unders
15 Wallballs
Remaining time max cal row/ski
25min AMRAP
1000m row
30 Front Squats 95/65
20 KBS 24/20
10 wall Climbs
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