CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit
Opponent (Time)
For time:
2 Rounds
800m run
40 H.R. Push ups
30 DEadlifts 155/105
20 cal Bike
For time:
2 Rounds
800m run
40 H.R. Push ups
30 DEadlifts 155/105
20 cal Bike
20 RKBS(32/24kg)
20m KB Drag(Heavy)
20m Sled Push
200m Odd Object Carry- atl btw KB, WB, Sandbag, Plate, etc
Teams of 2:
5 Burpees + 30s Max Cal Row
-1:1 Rest
-10 Total Rds
12min AMRAP
100ft Walking Lunge w/ Plate OH
50 Bear crawl
3 Wall Climbs
17min amrap
30 cal Row
30 single arm DB2OH 50/35
30 Box Jump Overs
30 Pull upa
17min amrap
30 cal Row
30 single arm DB2OH 50/35
30 Box Jump Overs
30 Pull upa
4 rounds
5min on: 2min off
5 P. Snatches 135/95
10 bar hopping burpees
30 Dubz
Double Tabata:
-8min Total
-Alternate between…
-Air Squats
*Score is lowest number for each
14min AMRAP
14 Sit-Ups
21 WB
14 BJO
7/5 Cal Bike Sprint
5-10 strict pull ups
20 banded pull downs
24min Amrap
200m run
24 KBS
24 T2B
400m run
48 Lunges
48 sit ups
Teams of 2
1 mile run (Swap every 200m)
50 Burpee Plate hops
100 Plate G2O (45/25lbs)
1000m row (alt every 250)
50 DB Box Step Overs
1 mile run (swap every 400m)
2×20 reps at 52.5%
14min amrap
8 P. Cleans 185/115
24 Wall balls 20/14
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