CrossFit Miami Beach – MB Conditioning
Metcon (No Measure)
FlexFriday **Partner
6rds, 90s work:90s rest. P#1 works while P#2 rest.
A.10-12 Reps. Choose a weight that is challenging!
B. AMRAP the remaining time
A. Bench Press/Floor press B. Push-up
*3rds each person
—Rest 90s—
A. BB Squats
B. 100m Sprint *3rds each person
—-90s Rest—-
A.BB/DB Bicep Curl
B. RB PVC Curl *FAST *3rds each person
—-90s Rest—-
A. DB OH Tricep Extension B. RB press down*FAST
Metcon (No Measure)
FlexFriday **Partner
6rds, 90s work:90s rest. P#1 works while P#2 rest.
A.10-12 Reps. Choose a weight that is challenging!
B. AMRAP the remaining time
A. Bench Press/Floor press B. Push-up
*3rds each person
—Rest 90s—
A. BB Squats
B. 100m Sprint *3rds each person
—-90s Rest—-
A.BB/DB Bicep Curl
B. RB PVC Curl *FAST *3rds each person
—-90s Rest—-
A. DB OH Tricep Extension B. RB press down*FAST
Metcon (No Measure)
FlexFriday **Partner
6rds, 90s work:90s rest. P#1 works while P#2 rest.
A.10-12 Reps. Choose a weight that is challenging!
B. AMRAP the remaining time
A. Bench Press/Floor press B. Push-up
*3rds each person
—Rest 90s—
A. BB Squats
B. 100m Sprint *3rds each person
—-90s Rest—-
A.BB/DB Bicep Curl
B. RB PVC Curl *FAST *3rds each person
—-90s Rest—-
A. DB OH Tricep Extension B. RB press down*FAST
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