Power Monkey Takeover
- Sunday, Jan19 (10am-6pm) Power Monkey Gymnastics Course $299 for non CFMB members / $249 for CFMB members Members email us to to receive the discount code for the Power Monkey Course. Limited Spots! / register here
- Monday and Tuesday Jan20- Jan21 (10am-11:30am) Power Monkey Private Training with Dave Durante $150 per person / $100 per person *if you attended their course on Jan 19th Limited Spots! only 5 spots available per day / register at the office
- Monday and Tuesday Jan20- Jan21 (9am class) Join Dave Durante alongside our coaches Jason and Ricky for an unforgettable training experience!
CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit
Warm up (No Measure)
PVC pipe warm up
Skill/Strength (No Measure)
5 sets
10sec wall facing hold into
10sec wall facing 7 hold
011625 (Time)
For time
50 step ups 24/20 (50/35)
40 RKBS 24/16
30 Triple V-ups
50 Step ups 24/20
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