CrossFit Miami Beach – MB Conditioning
Metcon (No Measure)
200m Partner Run, pass WB back & forth
Form 2 lines, move WBs down the line in competition manner(Line 1 vs Line 2)
Over Under (down & back)
Face out, arms distance away, side to side pass
Sitting facing out, Russian twist down
Burpee on ball, pass it down
200m Partner Run, pass WB
Metcon (No Measure)
4 Rounds
*partner 30s:30s
Battle rope/Plank Up downs
Sleds Push/Rest
WB Sit-Up pass to partner
D-ball over shoulder(I go, you go)*full Minute(30:30)
Tire sledgehammer/Tire Jumps
**1min Rest between rounds, everyone rest together
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